Reeses Cupfusion Behind the Scenes
Through the American Coaster Enthusiast’s annual East Coaster Tour, All American Thrills was given the unique opportunity to take a behind the scenes tour of Hersheypark’s newest attraction, Reeses Cupfusion.
Hersheypark opened Reeses Cupfusion (referred to as RCF from now on) on May 25th, 2019. If you haven’t experienced RCF in person yet, I left Sally’s Reeses Cupfusion Mission Detail video as well as our on-ride video directly below. Be sure to check both of these out so you can follow along with the rest of the post!
From here on out we’re going to take you through different sections of the ride photo by photo. If there are neat or interesting things we know about the ride we’ll be sure to include them with the photos.
RCF uses the same track and car system from Reeses Xtreme Cup Challenge. Here is an example of one of the many targets you’ll see throughout the ride.

RCF Uses a unique gaming system that is seen in a number of other Sally Dark Ride rides across the country. This is the first implementation of such a game system at Hersheypark. As you’ll see in the next pictures, RCF uses multiple screens, projectors and tracking systems to make the game system really come to life.
Here’s two of the many sensors which monitor for the lasers from the players stun guns.
The system uses the lasers from the player’s stun guns to track points. Points can be accrued by aiming at physical targets found throughout the ride and the many interactive characters found on the screens. The game then tabulates scores based on each player’s individual performance.
Many of the scenes have collaborative targets that you and another rider can target together. Powering up these targets will unlock hidden targets in the scene for extra bonus points. For the veteran riders out there, do you know what these hidden targets are or where they can be unlocked at? Leave a comment below if you know!

Next, let’s take a look at the maintenance bays for RCF. Here ride operators can transfer cars on and off of the tracks either for storage or repairs.
Hersheypark did change out some track. At the end of the Reeses Xtreme Cup Challenge, there were large hills in this ending section of the ride. Now, this section has been made entirely flat and is the finale of the ride. We won’t spoil the finale for you but here are some pictures.

Thanks for reading. Hopefully, you enjoyed the post and learned some new things about RCF! To stay up to date with All American Thrills, like us on Facebook and Subscribe to us on our Youtube channel!